Global Kits
MineHeroes Global Kits
Last updated: October 31st, 2020
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What is a Global Kit?
- A global kit is a package which can be purchased from the MineHeroes store - it is a kit which can be used on all of the core game-mode servers. Global Kits are 'limited' edition and are only available during a certain time period. For example: The summer global kit is only available in summer, and the Christmas global kit is only available over the Christmas break.
How often can I use a Global Kit?
- Global kits all have a cooldown of 2 weeks. Global kits share a global cooldown across ALL Servers.
I've purchased a Global Kit, how do I use it?
- Once you have purchased a global kit, you will be able to access the 'gkit' menu by executing the command /gkit in-game (on one of the core game-mode Servers).
What Global Kits are available?
- There are 8 different global kits which are available; Valentine, Easter, Spring, Summer, Halloween, Christmas, Random Crate & Random Booster.
What do I get from my Global Kit?
- Type /gkit in game and right a kit to find out more information. Additionally, kits may include extra Cosmetics when released in the store.
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